Love Knows No Format

February 24th, 2025

Writer: Sophia Wohl

Editor: Dani Cohen

I wouldn’t say that I hate love, but I wouldn’t say I love it either. Is there an in between of love and hate? Is there a neutral ground?

Maybe I just hate the concept of showing and receiving love. I have never been a fan of hugs or tickles, I prefer it when others don’t touch me. My parents find it weird, they tell me they raised me to embrace and be filled with adoration for myself and others, but as I grew older I strayed away from any type of affection. 

My mom reminded me of the importance of the different love languages as I got older. She told me it was okay that I didn’t feel the need for others to hold me to feel their love and warmth. Instead she explained that I could feel their devotion in other ways. Something as simple as a bouquet of flowers, or someone complimenting my outfit. It was made certain that love can be shown in a multitude of ways

I struggled with these concepts, not only because I didn’t want to receive any of their admiration, but I felt I was doing a disservice to those around me, in the lack of expression of my love towards them. 

“It’s the small things,” my mom reassured me. “Show a smile, compliment them once and awhile. Let them know you care,” she continued. 

You don’t have to throw in a nice gift, or be on top of someone twenty four seven for them to know you still care. The key is letting them know you're still there. If they turn to look back at you once or thirty times they should know you’ll still be standing, right in their corner. 

My biggest example of light and love is my mother. No matter if I look back today or thirty years from now, I know I will see her smile shining back at me, she is my constant. My mother doesn’t have to tell me she loves me, but it’s something about her presence that I know she does. 

As I continue to mature and grow, I feel there is less of a strain from years past, with a fear that I do not accept or show love as adequately as others. 

As long as I am still standing, waiting for them to turn around, I know they can feel my love.


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