Be Your Own Best Friend

January 8th, 2025

Writer: Olivia Martuscelli

Editor: Evie Lubar

Oftentimes, we are seeking validation, seeking someone who needs us 24/7—a person to call our “best friend.” But why can’t we be our own best friend? Why aren't we able to be our  number one supporters? Why do we criticize ourselves so much while lifting up everyone around us? We either say we’re not pretty enough or we're not popular enough, we are always finding ways to put ourselves down.

I believe that these feelings start at a young age. Seeing people in different friend groups- being thrilled when you are included and devastated when you are not. Even as children, when we might not fully grasp what it means to have a best friend, we deeply crave that connection with someone else. This longing for acceptance can shape how we view ourselves and our worth.

The need for validation, often seeded in childhood experiences, grows with us, shaping the way we view ourselves as adults. Now as adults, I’ve found that it’s easy to get that the only relationship you have control over is with yourself. To be your own best friend means to love yourself no matter what, learning that no human is perfect and celebrating every single thing that you accomplish in this lifetime, big or small. To learn to give yourself a compliment, instead of waiting for one to come to us.  We are the only ones who can love ourselves unconditionally, and embracing this truth is the most empowering way to walk through life.


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